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I'm from Houston, a graduate of the University of Texas, a fan of the Houston Astros and Houston Texans. But this blog will be about the "greater sports", whatever that means.

Follow me on Twitter: @lhd_on_sports


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Monday, February 8, 2016

Sportsman of the Week Ending 2/7/2016

In the rarest of rare, we have a repeat sportsman of the week in a three week period.  It's only happened once before, but the unbelievable repeat performance on the sports world's biggest stage made it inevitable.  In the biggest game in American sports Super Bowl 50, the Denver Broncos defense stole the show for a thrilling 24-190 victory over the Carolina Panthers.  They were led by Super Bowl 50 MVP Von Miller, our sportsman of the week for 1/24.  Miller once again cut through the offensive line of the Panthers just like he did the Patriots, notching 2.5 sacks, 6 tackles, a pass deflect, and 2 QB hits with two forced fumbles, both leading to Broncos touchdowns.  His disruption led to 4 Panthers turnovers that completely unraveled what had seemingly been an unbeatable team.  Von Miller and his Denver Broncos proved to be the unbeatable ones, and he is a repeat performer for Longhorndave Sportsman of the Week!

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